The laboratory facilities provide diagnostic laboratory services for our patients. With its team of skilled personnel and state of the art equipment and technology, the Institute strives on high medical standards,  thus ensuring satisfaction and great service at all times.


  • Biochemistry and immunology
  • Haematology
  • Transfusion medicine
  • Microbiology
  • Histology and cytology
  • Molecular biology
Biochemistry and immunology
  • Liver function testsLiver function tests are a group of blood tests that help detect the damage and inflammation to the liver. These tests check the levels of certain enzymes and proteins in the blood. The common liver function tests include alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), albumin and total protein, bilirubin, and prothrombin time.
  • Kidney function testsKidney function tests are the tests performed to evaluate kidney functioning. These tests reveal the functioning and abnormalities, if any. Some of the commonly conducted laboratory tests include BUN test – blood, urea, and nitrogen, creatinine – blood, creatinine clearance, and creatinine urine.
  • Tumor markersTumor markers are substances that can be found in the body in the presence of cancer. These are found at higher than normal levels in the blood, urine, or any tissue of the body in some individuals with cancer.
  • Thyroid profileThyroid profile is a group of tests that help assess the thyroid gland function and help diagnose thyroid gland disorders. The test measures the amount of TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), free T3 and T4 levels in the blood serum.
  • Fertility hormonesFertility hormones are the first line treatment for women with ovulation disorders. These medications function by initiating the release of hormones that trigger ovulation. Some of them are taken orally and some injected. The various fertility hormones used in fertility treatments include Clomid, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG), Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH), Human Menopausal Gonadotropin (hMG), and others.
  • EndocrinologyEndocrinology is the branch of medicine that deals with the endocrine system, its disorders including the various hormones produced by the endocrine glands.
  • Complete blood analysisComplete blood analysis is a blood test used to evaluate the kinds and number of blood cells including the red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.
  • Coagulation profileCoagulation profile is a screening test used to diagnose and assess bleeding. The test measures your blood’s ability to clot as well as the amount of time.
  • Bleeding tendency investigationsBleeding disorders refers to the medical conditions that result when the blood cannot clot properly. Some of the common investigations recommended to diagnose bleeding disorders include complete blood test, platelet aggregation test, bleeding time, partial thromboplastin time, and prothrombin time.
Transfusion medicine

Blood grouping and cross matching

Blood grouping is a medical test performed to assess an individual’s blood type based on the proteins on the surface of cells found in the blood. Cross matching refers to the test that is performed prior to the blood transfusion process.

  • Microbiological culturesMicrobiological cultures are commonly used to identify infectious microbes from samples isolated from the site of infection.
  • Infectious diseases diagnosisMost of the infectious diseases are often diagnosed following sample cultures isolated from the site of infection. These tests help determine the cause of the symptoms and help your doctor tailor your treatment.
Histology and cytology
  • Processing biopsiesBiopsy is an accurate diagnostic method of analyzing unusual growths or suspicious tissue in the body. Biopsy involves removal of a piece of tissue or cell sample from the area of concern and is examined in the laboratory.
  • Liquid cytologyLiquid cytology is a process of preparing the samples for examination in the laboratory.
Molecular biology
  • KaryotypingKaryotyping is a test to detect and assess the size, shape, and number of chromosomes in a sample of cells
  • DNA analysisPolymerase chain reaction (PCR) is the most common form of DNA analysis. PCR is used to reproduce selected sections of DNA.

Opening Hours

Monday – Saturday
9:00 am – 6:00 pm

9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Family Hub(GP)
Orthopedic Clinic
Colorectal Clinic
Dental Clinics

Harley Street Abu Dhabi JCI


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